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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 10 Edits

1. Edited Purple Flower: see previous post for image details
2. Edited Rose Bud: see previous post for image details

For my edits to shot 1, I first used the Super Sharpening tutorial in our Custom Images books to define the edges the flowers. I put the Amount of the Unsharpen filter at 200, the Radius at 4 and the Threshold at 0. I masked out the effect one the leaves and background to add contrast. Then I added a double fade border.

For shot 2, I added levels and saturation adjustment layers to increase the colors of the rose bud. Then I added a burned border with two copies of the image and the multiply blending mode.


  1. Great job, awesome pictures! Love the border on the flower

  2. Both are great shots I like the simple rose bud the best

  3. These are both great micro shots. The borders fit really well and make the flowers really stand out. Good job!

  4. I love the edited job of both flowers. It makes it very pleasing to the eye to look at.

  5. Macro shots are one of my favorites to shoot. You did a great job with these.


Emily's Custom Images | TNB