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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


1. Final Bridge Poster
2. Bridge1: 6/23/09; 10:30 a.m.; Rexburg; 3.5; 1/1000; Sony CDMavica
3. Bridge2: 6/23/09; 10:30 a.m.; Rexburg; 3.5; 1/500; Sony CDMavica; -1 Exposure Compensation

I originally took this picture in the BYU–Idaho gardens the week we went as a class. It was rainy that day, but I loved the composition, so I went back and tried it again when the flowers were blooming and the light was better. I took three shots using Auot Exposure Bracketing. I decided to combine just two of those using Dynamic Photo. I used a vignette filter and added a Levels Adjustment Layer in Photoshop.

I will be framing an 18x24 version of this.

1. Final Sarah Poster
2. Original Sarah: 6-2-09; 4 p.m.; Rexburg; f 2.2; 1/125; Sony CDMavica

You've all seen this before in my portrait post. The only changes I made were to the styles and sizes of the fonts in the lower right corner. I tried incorporating greens and blues into the gradient to match Sarah's room, but I didn't like any of them as well as the pink.

I plan to frame an 18x24 version of this and give it to my sister.


  1. Oh my word your posters are INCREDIBLE!! They both look so professional and have such beautiful compositions and colors. The gradient effect in the portrait is so cool, I've never seen it used on portraits before. GORGEOUS!

  2. I know I told you this in class, but I LOVE your garden shot! It is amazing! And I am jealous that you got one of your own pics with the gradient, I need to work on that more.


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